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Community Roles

Community roles here at Impspace help out the creative community revolved around dreams. These also include external roles such as on the subreddit and discord server. Contact us via a contact method about a role listed if interested.

More to come later on. Check back and/or stay tuned for updates via Twitter! Thank you community for the help!


  • JavaScript coder

We could use a little help with some JavaScript code.  ImpSpace has taken the approach in continually updating the site progressively as Dreams updates. We have a road-map of planned updates but we do also consider any feedback given to us by the community. If you know JavaScript and would like to help contribute to what we’re working on behind the scenes at ImpSpace then we’d appreciate the help.

  • 30 Minute Dreams Participant

30 Minute Dreams is an event in which dreams fans try out themed challenges in the creative suite of Dreams. Whether its being a creator participant, commentator or something else, if you would like to get involved then let us all know. Commentators would need to be using streaming software such as OBS and have the ability to potentially switch between livestream feeds or creators doing challenges decided on for that stream. No matter what skill level you are, come give it a try.

  • Dreams Radio Music

Let us know about music you are working on that you’d like to see on Dreams Radio which will be  on the Dreams Discord Server!

  • TBA

This role and more are to be announced at a later date. 🎉

  • TBA

This role and more are to be announced at a later date. 🎉


  • Discord International Channel Ambassador

Apart from our forums, the Dreams Discord is a great way to have a real-time conversation with friends and fans alike. We’ve made it so that its also a place for every dreams fan no matter language barrier to be able to be involved in the conversation in some way. Whether it be through basic language skills, translator, or simply the share channels, we all are able to share a server both in and outside of Dreams. As the international channels grow in the server, we will need bilingual people kind enough to help with important messages and/or announcement translations. Ambassadors would also look around once in awhile to see if any international people need assistance. Right now we’re looking for people who speak/write in the following languages : German, Spanish, French, Japanese, Russian, Italian.

  • Discord Help Role

People in this role will be shown as a help role. Yes of course many people in the server help out when someone has a question but these users will be espepcially known to help in all skill level help channels. This role or a separate role may be ping-able from within Discord depending on what’s cool with everyone.

  • TBA

This role and more are to be announced at a later date.


  • TBA

This role and more are to be announced at a later date.