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New Insight On Dreams PS4 In Latest Spawn On Me Interview

New insight on Dreams PS4 is revealed in the latest interview with Media Molecule and Spawn On Me. Ever since the Media Molecule tech demo revealed at E3 before Dreams PS4 was officially announced, many didn’t know what they were in for. Even with what you’ve seen so far in Dreams, many still don’t know to the fullest extent. However, when you see everything working together, that’s when it all clicks and you see the whole picture. Dreams enables any type of gaming element to be within it’s ecosystem.

“The UGC side of Dreams is going to be insane” – Alex Evans

In the Dreams PS4 story mode, you wont see everything you can possibly do or experience. The campaign in Dreams will be simply focused on having a fun gaming experience. There will be creative little nuggets that give you ideas for the meta experience in Dreams. User Generated Content will be the ever expanding conscious element to the game. Creative assets, to games like shooters, racers, explorers and more will continue to leave gamers in awe.

Music Creation: “You are gonna lose your shit!” – Alex Evans

The audio team at Media Molecule continues to tinker with the soon to be revealed music system and its interface. It’s a playful experience that doesn’t need you to be a perfectionist. The fact that Anton, who is well versed with the PS Move controllers, thinks its awesome may give you some clues.

Dreams on PS4 is an evolving title and there are ideas that are being thought of and at times put to practice. An idea that’s been mentioned is that it’d be cool to have Twitch viewers spectate in 3D with PlayStation VR or perhaps the games engine itself and even jump into the game. They would be in the the same level as the streamer and perhaps could collaborate. It certainly would be great for all kinds of creative concepts if it ever makes it’s way in the final game.

Dreams PS4 Beta Still Pending

Dreams PS4 Beta 2016

Even though a build of the Dreams PS4 beta is out for Media Molecule developers, there are still things being worked on before it’s released. The beta is continuous leading to the final version of the game once Dreams PS4 goes gold. It isn’t decided as of yet whether it will be an open or closed beta.

Check out the full Spawn On Me interview over at It’s a 2 hour long podcast and its really fantastic. You can also follow them on twitter too.

There will be much more on Dreams PS4 to come soon. It’s all a grand journey for everyone to experience together. Whenever the beta is ready, remember to put your collaborative efforts and feedback together for Media Molecule. Check back with ImpSpace for more and let us know what you’re imagining here on our forums.

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