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Introducing Dreams PS4 Mash

Here at ImpSpace we’re excited to announce our upcoming Dreams PS4 Mash series! The series is an array of different events from dance battles to karaoke and much more. We’ll be inviting prominent gamers and even non-gamers to the series. Whether it’s Shuhei Yoshida, Kaz Hirai, Markiplier, SeaNanners, you, or anyone else, it’s gonna be a blast!

Dreams PS4 Mash

Dreams PS4 Mash Is Coming Soon

While we get things ready, let us know who you’d want to have on Dreams Mash and if you would like to be a part of it! Those of you who join the Dreams PS4 beta will get to experience it all before the official release of Media Molecule’s Dreams. Until we get there, check out this Dreams Mash Mashup tease with SCE Japan’s New Hot Shots Golf & Missy Elliot’s WTF.

We’ll have more to share on our Dreams PS4 Mash series in the near future. Check back here at ImpSpace for other upcoming announcements from us on Dreams PS4. Don’t forget  to check out this weeks Dreams PS4 stream on Twitch! In the meantime head over to our forums, check out some Dreams Groups to get ready for the beta!

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