DreamsPS4 PAX East 2019 with ImpSpace

PAX East 2019 here we come! That’s right, we’re bringing some of the ImpSpace love to PAX East 19 with DreamsPS4 from MediaMolecule. We’ve updated the Community Imp Quest page and you’ll see that if you are around on Friday March 29th, you can have a chance to get some swag (TBA) at this convention in Boston, MA. Look for Subtenko where MediaMolecule is hanging out with Dreams and hopefully we’ll still have some cool things to hand out if we don’t run out! All of you imps out there especially near the East Coast of the U.S. should definitely come by for a DreamsPS4 community meetup if you can. You can learn more about the community meetup and Mm PAX East happenings here. The meetup event space is limited so register for a spot if you are going for sure.
The community meetup hosted by Media Molecule is on Friday, 29th March between 6PM – 9PM EDT at Middlesex Lounge, 315 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139. As far as Mm swag goes, you can purchase a D-Bug pinny but you also have a chance to win a D-Bug pinny as well. You can also play DreamsPS4 at the Media Molecule booth too!

Say, what about those who can’t make it to the event? Don’t gloom out, you can connect with us live during PAX East 2019. We’ll have post on the DreamsPS4 Discord Server, Twitter, Twitch, and will notify the rest of the community when going live. Say hi to people at the convention via text chat or in the event voice channel!
You’ll also notice from the Community Imp Quest page is that we have another movie night we’re doing. The first movie night was during Halloween before the beta came out. Now that people have had time to make some dreams, we’ll be displaying a DreamsPS4 video for this movie night. Join in on the Discord Server Friday March 22st 7pm EDT to watch a quick dream or two! The link to the movie night will be posted on the Discord when it starts but for now here is the link to the previous movie night videos.
We’re very exited for PAX East this year and to meet DreamsPS4 fans at the event. If you happen to miss being there physically or virtually then we’ll have uploads of the livefeeds to Twitch and YouTube as well as a post about all that we experienced during PAX. More DreamsPS4 content is coming up on ImpSpace so stay tuned. You can chat with everyone on our DreamsPS4 forum and the Dreams Discord Server.