Dreams Online Multiplayer Share Play Challenge

Welcome to Early Access Dreams fans! As you know, Dreams is still not in a finished state and has a few things to spruce up before it goes gold. Even then with the full DreamsPS4 release, not all planned features within it’s ambitious ten year plan will happen on launch day. One feature that will still take time to develop after launch is online multiplayer. Right now you can only play local co-op multiplayer, however, with the addition of share play, you can SORTA play online with a friend right now.

Share play with DreamsPS4 Early Access allows a player to host and enabled the play together feature while the other player joins the session all in a PSN party chat. This guest player will literally be playing as a guest and for that reason, you will be in restricted mode unable to use the online features of Dreams. Both players will be limited to the Homespace and the default and demo Media Molecule content saved with Dreams. Dreamshaping will not work with two players right now. You’re basically limited to Hammer Panic, Cone ball and your HDD content. *insert :healythink: discord emoji*

Idea! That means with any two player games on your PS4 you can play them with a friend! So if you remix a cooperative dream level to your PS4, you can enjoy them online with a buddy. There’s only one small problem with this at the moment; there are about less than 10 working two player games. So today we’re announcing the Dreams online multiplayer share play challenge. We’re giving a random prize to the best user created cooperative game. Make your game two player compatible, or make them 2 player compatible with bots! This contest will start now and end May 18th 11:59PM EDT.
Update: We’re extending the challenge to June 18th 11:59PM EDT! We want many people to have a chance for there to be an increase in multiplayer shareplay games. You may also enter more than one game for this challenge if you would like.
Contact us with your entry via a method on the contact page, or you can message @subtenko on the Dreams Discord Server

We hope this will help scratch the itch for people who would like a taste of Dreams online . This is simply a user solution and with the help of the community to back this up, it’s proof that where there is a will there’s a way. The more cooperative levels, the better selection of multiplayer games for you and your friends to pick before Dreams officially releases it’s online multiplayer functionality! More DreamsPS4 content is coming up on ImpSpace so stay tuned. If you would like to get involved and helping out here at ImpSpace, please do let us know via contact page. You can chat and share with everyone on our DreamsPS4 forum and the Dreams Discord Server. Look out for a list in the forums for shareplay friendly multiplayer games in DreamsPS4!