DreamsPS4 Officially Launches February 14th 2020
It’s finally happening; Dreams is launching February 14th of 2020! The release date trailer from Dreams features some of the community creations made so far in Dreams and its only going to get bigger and better from here on out. Enjoy the Valentines day gift!
Even though you may have been around for the beta and/or early access, new improvements and a variety of other changes are coming to the game. When the game launches expect an update and a new intro for Dreams. The majority of you who currently own the game (who need not to buy anything as you have the full game) will likely being diving straight into story mode. Story mode in Dreams is based around the character “ART” and his dream. What are your predictions for Dreams’ campaign mode? Speaking of predictions, the guess the release date Community Impquest has come to a conclusion and the winner will be contacted soon!
At this stage Dreams is moving forward closer to full release and we may get more details on that early into the new year. As for other things being worked on, Dreams Radio is about to be launched on the Dreams Discord Server after initially being delayed due to format decisions. Keep sending/mentioning any music tracks you have released and we can include them on the stream. More to come soon here at ImpSpace!