DreamsPS4 E3 2018 is Happening, Media Embargo Lifted
Today the DreamsPS4 Discord Server lit up early to the waves of media embargo’s lifted. Quite a few have gotten to express their hands on review on dreams. Within that comes a few new details about the game you may have been wondering about or never known.
Dreams can be described as a game engine, yet it’s an engine that includes a Netflix type experience as Kareem put it during the 2018 VFXFestival. There has never been a more ambitious creative game such as dreams. This new IP from Media Molecule allows you to do anything you can imagine. There are so many options and tweakable parameters to use when creating, but dreams is not all about creating.
First and foremost understand Media Molecule is a game company and they make games. The Mm team are very creative people, so that is just another reason why Dreams has so much packed into the punch. DreamsPS4 ships with a full campaign mode and also has premade content for you to play with outside it’s story mode. You don’t have to be a creator, you can literally just only play games or experience various dreams levels. Check out some of the games and levels you can experience yourself.

Remember that DreamsPS4 10 year plan we talked about? Well Media Molecule are on a roll in development because originally VR was supposed to come sometime after launch but PSVR will be supported day one for dreams! Perhaps more of that plan will be teased with some DreamsPS4 E3 2018 updates. You can play or create with a Dualshock 4 or PS move controllers. In terms of experience there could even be Dreams made to be more handicap/disability friendly if the level were to use head positional timing to select and view key areas!
Everything you do in DreamsPS4 levels up your persona; it tracks the type of experience you are doing automatically. You can do a bit of everything but if most of your time is spent making music in DreamsPS4 then expect to have an audio based persona overall. Viewing someone’s persona can help you find people with similar interest or abilities which is going to be very helpful.
Media Molecule is set to have the DreamsPS4 beta later on in 2018. Siobhan Reddy talks about this in a recent interview and you can her a little more about dreams in her perspective. DreamsPS4 is a big big deal and we’ll be showing how crazily awesome it all is here at ImpSpace. You can keep up with the DreamsPS4 community here and within the Reddit and Dreams Discord Server. Don’t forget to follow ImpSpace on YouTube and Twitter, we’ll have more to share with you all soon! Keep a look out for DreamsPS4 E3 2018 news because there’s still plenty more info to drop.
Next stop E3! đŸ™‚