Dreams Early Access Launch Party on Discord
Hey dreams community, we’re having a Dreams Early Access launch party on Discord! On Monday April 15th we’ll be chatting it up as we head into the 16th at an unspecified time when it appears on PSN. Even though Tom Dent and Media Molecule will post when it’s live, you can join the night (or morning) owls refreshing PSN when the clock hits 12AM. There will be an @everyone in the #announcements channel on the Dreams Discord when it goes live, just remember to get some sleep first.
Update: Times have been released for Early Access launch! Dreams Early Access will be available for UK/Europe/Russia/Australia/New Zealand at 10:30 AM BST and North America starting at 8:30 AM PDT. Japan will get Early Access on April 22nd.
Dreams music will be played into the 16th in the voice channels on Discord. We’d like to welcome our international friends to the DreamsPS4 Discord channel as well. The Deutsche, Espanol, Francais, and 日本人 channels are now live for non-English speakers. The Share Dreams category is universal because everyone can admire dreams videos and screenshots despite language barriers. Now people of all languages can get the gist of what the dreams community is up to! We are still always looking for those willing to lend a hand so if there are more people who are bilingual or who would like to help in general, let us know via the contact page. You can also message @subtenko on the Discord.

In celebration of DreamsPS4 finally releasing in non-beta status, we’re giving out dreams prizes. You could win a DreamsPS4 3d print, shirt, and more! Here’s how to do it: The contest entries are separated by regions. Three winners will be selected from the DreamsPS4 meme recreations forum post which is open to any region. Entries to the meme recreations end May 16th 11:59PM Eastern. One random winner will be selected from the Dreams Shop level on DreamsPS4 by leaving any comment on the level between early access launch and May 16th 11:59PM Eastern. Finally one more random winner will be selected (for U.S. residents only this time) via our raffle contest which ends April 19th 11:59PM Eastern.
The contest on the ImpSpace forums involves recreating popular memes using DreamsPS4. The first entry will need to recreate the Parks and Rec shocked Andy scene. The second meme recreation entry is for making the approval nod (No its not Zack Galifianakis). This is also known as the “happy robert redford” gif from the movie Jeremiah Johnson. The third final entry is a meme recreation of your choosing that you can post in Dreams. These recreations don’t have to be 100% exact but just enough that it is one. Once again you must post your entries to the DreamsPS4 meme recreations forum post by May 16th 11:59PM Eastern in order to enter. Afterwards we will be holding a vote on the Dreams Discord channel to pick the winners. Have fun with it! 🙂
Want more? You got it, Media Molecule will also be livestreaming for 12 hours on launch day! Join in at some point for even more festivities. The stream starts 16th April, at 10:00 AM BST. Everyone can join in early before all early access regions have their psn store updated.
We’re going to mention this tidbit about Early Access again; it is not a finished game yet. Dreams has a 10 year plan so even on release date of the full game there are features to still be added such as online multiplayer. We hope you’re excited about Dreams as much as we are and we’ll be covering more of it all here on ImpSpace and sharing content with everyone on the forums. You can also find us on Twitter, and YouTube. See you on the Dreams Discord Server for the Early Access launch party!