Create [“Deja vu”] using [Dreams]

ImpSpace CreativeJam 001
Remember the Dreams community jams? Fun stuff. Jams are a great way for the creativity to be seen in a community. It can also spark up inspiration in others. We’re doing Community Jams at ImpSpace now and they will feature Dreams and much more. There is a whole arsenal of software and methods at our disposal. Depending on the jam, it can be using Dreams only, Unreal Engine only, Music DAWS only, or have no platform limits at all. That in fact, is actually what most Creative Jams will be; cross-platform. You’ll use whichever software or tools you have and try your best at the theme of the Jam.
Find the latest Creative Jam
ImpSpace Creative Jams can be found on the Discord server in the #creative-jam channel.

For this Jam’s structure, the theme is “Deja vu”. Since the description doesn’t end there, there is an add-on to that, being “using [Dreams]” in this case. For simply for this Jam you must only use Dreams when creating anything related to the “Deja vu” theme. Simple, and that being said, you’re entries can be as simple as you want or as complex as you can think of. The most important thing is to have fun. Enjoy and learn other entries from the community.
How to Participate:
- Start Time: [September 1st 12:00am Eastern Time]
- Submission Deadline: [September 30th 11:59pm Eastern Time.]
- Submit Your Entry: Post your entries in the related jam’s thread. All entries will be pinned.
Judging & Winners:
- The community will judge the entries in a poll for one week after the deadline ends.
- The winning entry will be showcased in the creative jam channel.Occasionally we may display the next upcoming Creative Jam in the same Jam thread. As you can see, here is the slated October Jam theme after this one:
The Upcoming October Theme:
Category Preview: Music
ImpSpace CreativeJam 001
Create [“Deja vu”] using [Dreams]
We’re continuing to work on the community podcast behind the scenes so if you are interested, set your role in the Discord Server to “PodcastRdy“. You can message the admin on the ImpSpace Discord Server or message ImpSpace on X @imp_space. You can participate in the podcast even you cant or do not want to use a microphone. Till next time!